Question of Mortality

“Hey dad”, Bifira leaned towards a coach, looking at the yellow fox.
Synaly was looking into newspaper, though not like there was anything new in it. Truth be told, it was actually a pretty old newspaper, pages yellow of age and visually easy to get destroyed from inaccurate touch. He looked aside on his daughter, raising his eyebrow.
“What is it, kid? Something bothers you?”
“Well, not really. But I have a question that just suddenly struck me”, she sat near her father, flames on top of her head colored in silver. So pure that color nearly felt like a true white. “Knowing that you are immortal… how do you feel about it? About life, finity of it, and how your state in this world totally bypasses that. How it goes from your perspective?”
“Wow, and with Silver Blaze of all things?” he chuckled, looking at her with smile.
“Well, feeling pretty silver today, of all times. So, will you answer?”
“Hmmm…” papers in his hands just dissapeared, and he dropped on his back, looking up, with face full of thoughts. “That is not an easy question. I am indeed, unconditionally immortal. I can create some artifacts that can kill me, technically. Some of such artifacts may already exist, though achieving true death wouldn’t be a simple task for me. Your life is technically finite, though extended through infinite cycle of reincarnations for purpose that I’d not outlive you. And now I think, why I say all this? Because I pretty much made you mortal, while never applying that ability to myself. Mortality… is an interesting thing. Any individual have only so much time on this plane of reality, and all that time belongs solely to that singular individual. Does his life matters from my point of view on any point of his development? Be it his birth or death? Well, not really. I’ll outlive any failure or success of any mortal, no matter for how long their action will echo in time and space in a singular reality plane. Why do I care about that life, however?”
He gave it a big “Hmmm” and raised his index finger, drawing circle in the air. As his finger moved, reality around it started to warp, creating small-scale cosmic shapes – small stars, planetary objects, all simply floating around.
“I was also mortal, once. There was so much I wanted to do that I simply no time of what purpose it all carries. Truth be told, back then I just wanted to be happy, but at the same time, didn’t quite had an idea what that happiness would be. There was no real way to acknowledge what happiness is, how to achieve it and live with it for the rest of my life. It was all until I became immortal. With loss of mortality, I gained all the time in all of reality. Abilities to create whatever I’d see fit. I can simply bend the world to my wishes. And I did. Did that made me happy though? Definitely not. Yeah, it had that spark. Sense of euphoria, living in a perfect world that would provide me with everything I want. It didn’t lasted as long as I’d live. I don’t think it would even last as long as actual human life. Though, maybe if you didn’t knew anything better or worse, it would work out? Ignorance is a blessing, as some may say. Ignorance that you denied by asking that question”.
He looked at Bifira. Her face was, however, stayed unchanged. She basically looked on his face with that look of very attentive student, writing down every word of his teacher. Synaly shook his head, rolling his eyes.
“Mortality is interesting topic, since everyone in specific can decide what way of life they want to forgo. It is always a way of entertainment, in some way, even if all that fun will vanish one day together with you, as last spark of your mind vanishes in embrace of nothingness. First creature creates first entertainment for itself inside imperfect world, leaves offspring, which uses that enterprise to create a new one, and so on and so on. As population grows, everyone starts to look for new ways to entertain themselves, or goes old ways. That’s basically how generations progress, changing one after another. Some find their happiness at the bottom of liquor, just as many of their ancestors once did. Some try to understand that world. And some… create new entertainments for future generations, through science or just pure fun. What of me? Well… for myself, I find it entertaining to watch how that process goes, over and over. You’ll be surprised by how many variables there are in it. Each time a new plane takes turn after one that managed to exhaust itself, a cycle never truly repeats. No matter how I tinker with wheels of creation, it’s never the same, yet never way too different. I find it interesting to look into smaller details. Something that keeps me feeling alive even after so many eons. Even when I just stay here, as another wheel in this already perfectly working mechanism. Though I should say… my curiosity tend to often get better of me. Which is why I tend to advert some of catastrophes that can’t be actually adverted by anyone but me. Even when some of them tend to be a byproduct of my own actions. Which… also tends to push me off the cliff, where I want to just stop it. And so there’s you, to not let me do that. Did I answer your question?”
“Quite… loosely, and direct answer is clearly got lost somewhere in the context”, Bifira gave a smirk, as her flames disappeared. “But hey. I love you too, dad.”
After these words, he leaned to him, giving an old fox a big, warm hug. He smiled and put his hand on her head, gently stroking her hair.
“…I can’t believe you really fell for that” she snorted into his shirt.
Oh no. And then room filled with laugher of a fox, trapped between coach and a girl, tickling him restlessly.

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